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Aug 04, 2016
In reply to Julien
by: Kendo-Guide.Com

You're very welcome! Don't worry about being wrong. I myself got the info from Wikipedia so if that is wrong I am wrong too!

Historical facts are always hard to know if they are trustworthy or not but we have to trust them :)

The important thing is that we know what he did and what he accomplished! And what he achieved is so great!

Aug 03, 2016
Kendo and Fencing
by: Julien

Thanks for reminding me his name, Hiro sensei!
Sorry for the wrong info about him.
National team coach is still very impressive though :)

Aug 03, 2016
Kendo and Fencing
by: Julien

I hear the whole bad habits thing a lot.

Truth is, it won't matter at all.

I used to do fencing just like you (my weapon was épée too), and decided to switch to Kendo due to various reasons.

My fencing background did not hold me back at all :) The only problem I had was a tendency to move backwards too much (but the other beginners have it too, so it does not come from fencing).

Did it help me? Yes, you'll start Kendo with sword fight experience. You'll start with good reflexes when it comes to parry and counter.

Can I still do fencing ?

Yes, and even better than before :) I sometimes spar with my old fencing mates for fun, and Kendo did not give me any bad habits for fencing at all.

So I'd say there's no problem in doing both Kendo and fencing! Just pay attention to what your instructors say and you'll be just fine.

Although I cannot remember his name, I heard of a famous Kendo sensei who moved to America to spread Kendo there, and became really proficient at fencing while still doing Kendo (he became a fencing champion if I remember correctly) :)

Give Kendo a try :)

Kendo-Guide.Com: Thank you for sharing your experience! The sensei who referred to is Torao Mori sensei, a.k.a. Tiger Mori. According to Wikipedia, he didn’t become a US fencing champ. But he was assigned to be a coach for the US fencing national team.

He was also a great kendoist from a great kendo family.

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