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Aug 18, 2015
Mee too.
by: RFoxMich

About two years ago I had a tore several muscle fibers in my left calf. I know what it's like to not be able to train.

Imafuji sensei's suggestions are spot on with the following additions:

1. Yes see a specialist.

2. As soon as possible get into physical therapy.

3. When you are in physical therapy

- Show your therapist a video of kendo so they know what you need to get back to.

- Ask your therapist for homework and do it. Most of the time patients don't do anything but come to PT sessions. By doing the homework I was able to get kendo ready much more quickly than general population.

Remember - kendo is always there when you are able to but you don't want to risk an injury which interferes with your ability to do kendo in the long run since that's where the real benefit is.

The story of my injury and recovery are online here at Kendo Wolrd.

Kendo-Guide.Com: Thank you, Ron sensei! Very good advice as usual!

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