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Jun 17, 2017
I like Imafuji sensei's approach and answer. I personally would tell you to ask him " what is Ki Ken tai ichi?" If he doesn't know, then he should not be teaching kendo. Iho
by: Pat Register

I like Imafuji sensei's approach and answer. I personally would tell you to ask him " what is Ki Ken tai ichi?" If he doesn't know, then he should not be teaching kendo.
At that point you both should pursue a mentor that is a qualified instructor of Japanese kendo. Best of luck

Jun 16, 2017
Oh, how I feel you...
by: Anorymous

My friend, you are in luck: your teacher ADMITS that he is a beginner. That is an early admission of fallibility, a sign that "y'know what, I might not be the best around here."

Here's what I think you should do: Before everything else, ask him this question:

"Can we agree that a reliable third-party opinion matters more than either of ours?" If he agrees to that, all you need is to follow the advice you've already been given: Share everything you found with him, discuss it, and see where that leads. If he does not agree... you're in the very difficult position of either doing your own thing in practice (and being labelled the class trouble-maker) or simply leaving. My own choice led to... both, sadly.

Jun 16, 2017
Incorrect kendo teaching
by: Tatty head

Hi there, I think this is a common problem in places where there are no bona fide kendo teachers for guidance. I have personal experience of this as a student wanting to learn the correct way. Luckily, I was able to have instruction ( eventually) from a Japanese businessman over a period of 5 years.
He immediately told me that the previous 5 years that I had trained was a waste of time, it hurt but was true. That was 23 years ago and I now have 6th Dan. .... I guess what I am saying is that you should try to get a Kendo sensei somehow. At the very least , show your Karate Sensei the vids you have ( humbly) if there is resistance, you should stop taking kendo instruction from him and try to find another way. This may sound harsh but the reality is that what your sensei wants to teach is not kendo... ... and who knows what other strange ideas he is teaching you.. Remember.... Kendo has no different styles ... there is Kendo and something that is not kendo. I sincerely hope that you are able to resolve this problem and that you are able to find the Kendo way. Good luck and Ganbate !

Jun 16, 2017
In Reply to Tyler
by: Kendo-Guide.Com

Thanks for your response, Tyler!

Jun 15, 2017
Never heard of that rule
by: Tyler

I have never heard of that rule. There is a lot of stuff that makes a strike valid, and they all have to be present, and I have never heard of this "rule". Maybe try showing him some videos of kendo and see what he says. I would hope that someone with a martial art background would recognize the error in teaching something that is wrong.

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