Some cases for a bow
by Olga
Do we need to bow before men-tsuke and before men-o-tore when already sitting in seiza, that is, before putting on or taking off our men and kote? Is it common to make rei in this case or does it depend on a dojo?
Thank you
Answer: Good question. You must watch people very carefully. That is essential when you learn anything; observation. And please forgive me for my late response.
Your question 1: Do we need to bow before men-tsuke and before men-o-tore when already sitting in seiza, that is, before putting on or taking off our men and kote?This is what I do and I am not sure if I am right or not. I bow before putting men on. We bow 3 times; bows to shomen, sensei and otagai. When I was a kid, I put men on right after this without an extra bow. But now…
I do bow to my men before putting it on because it is, to me, to make it sure that it is the time for me to train. After taking men off, we usually bow all together so I do not bow to my men.
I probably bow after my training if we do not bow as a group. Like when I train with another practitioner, I bow to him and bow to my men.
Your question 1: Is it common to make rei in this case or does it depend on a dojo? Probably it depends on dojos.
Hope this helps.