Comments for Possible for a mom with 2 Kids to practise kendo?

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Dec 11, 2015
Go for it
by: Anonymous

Hi, I am a Mom of four children. I have begun Kendo this year and I am a passionate barebow archer.

There is no limit what one can do. It is the time management that counts. It is the best decision I could have ever done. My physical, emotional and mental state is more balanced.

To be a parent you have a great reasonability and by being more balance by practicing a sport you definite like, enriched the quality of your family life. Go for it.

Kendo-Guide.Com: Thank you for sharing your story! 4 Children? Wow! Hats off!

Dec 08, 2015
Tough Cookie Mummy
by: Mel

I've been doing kendo for 7 months, and I am a 39 year old mum with a 4 year old son.

I am so much fitter, I've overcome anxiety problems, and I have this new challenge in my life, which I relish.

I've made new friends of varying age and gender, it gives me a daily focus and drive, and I believe when he’s older, my son will be very inspired and proud to have a tough cookie of a mummy like me. Go for it!

Kendo-Guide.Com: Thank you for sharing! Such an inspiring story! Made me smile big!

Dec 02, 2015
Yes, you can.
by: Anonymous

I'm a single mom with two kids. Initially, kendo was for them but it turned out my oldest (boy, at the time he was 9) didn't want to practice, but my youngest (girl, at the time was 7) did.

So, I started kendo with my daughter and we have been practicing for two years now. Yes, age of children would play a factor in being able to do kendo. But, if they are interested then practice with them.

My son would sit out and do his homework while we practiced. If you are determined to practice, then it's always possible whether you are able to do it now or wait till they are of age or switching the roles of parent watching to children watching. You never know what can happen.

In my opinion, yes a mother of two can do kendo!

Best Wishes!

KendoGuide.Com: Thank you for sharing your experience! And I am sure that your story will encourage her. You know what? It encourages me too!

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