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Sep 10, 2013
by: Anonymous

Thank you. I recently started my training, the sensei is very helpful. I'm practicing Jodan kendo now :)

Kendo-Guide.Com: Good! Happy for you! Keep us posted and if you have any questions, let me know. All the kendo community is here to help ya!

Sep 09, 2013
One Handed Kendo
by: Anonymous

There's a guy that recently joined our dojo that can only use his right arm since his left kept getting dislocated. I've also seen someone who just can't use one of their arms (I forgot which) at another dojo.

If you want to see how it's done, you can look up Youtube videos of Henry Smalls who lost his legs in an accident as a kid, so he has to use one arm to prop himself up and use the other to swing. There's also another video of a guy who lost one of his arms to a wood chipper, yet he was still able to take up Kendo and be quite dedicated to it.

As long as you remain passionate about doing well in Kendo, you can definitely train with one arm as well.

Kendo-Guide.Com: Thank you for your comment. It is very true!

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