KendoShop Review
by Val
Recommended by: Val
Reasons you recommend: They are specialised in kendo. Wide choice of items. Good price for good quality. Wide price/product range. Easy to choose and make order. Fast delivery.
Company Information From The Company:Address of Headquarters:
11, 231st St. Geumjeong-ro,
Busan, Korea
Yes, we have a sole agent in Gloucester, England.
Contact information:
www.kendoshop.comPerson: Chloe Woo (Sales Manager)
Phone: 82-51-516-9735 or 82-51-516-6826
Contact email address: emaster/at/
* Please change /at/ to @ when you email.
Company Strength:
We deal with all kendo equipments.
The strongest is that we have our own bougu factory which allows us to provide the bougu at very good prices.And we also produce standard kendo Gi and Hakama.
Brief Message to the Readers of has been a kendo equipment suppler to all around the world for over a decade.
And we have been building up the reputation among Kendoka over those years. We are confident in the quality and services.
We hope to have a chance to be a part of your kendo way.
Please give us information shown below when leaving your review.
- Your Grade (kyu or dan):
- Product/s You Purchased:
- Rate the product/s:
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- Rate the service:
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- Do you recommend this shop to your friend?: yes or no
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When you leave a review, don't forget to give stars. The more stars the shop get, the higher it will be placed in the USA kendo shops page.