Comments for Kendo kata #6

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Sep 17, 2015
It was a question
by: rfoxmich

Imafuji sensei,

I do have the book (it's a great resource for us non-Japanese readers) and have just looked at the passage being asked about;

Note that question #6 was a question posed in a Q&A with Inoue sensei and are therefore not his words but the words of someone else.

My _opinion_ is that the questioner was being a bit sloppy because the question he's asking is actually where on the sword contact should be made (at the monouchi) not whether the left or right shinogi is making contact.

The question probably should have been phrased as:

In kata 5 and 6 we are asked to do the suriage with the shinogi; left shinogi in 5 and right shinogi in 6. Should the suriage be made at the monouchi of the shidachi's blade? Also should the suriage be made at the monouchi of the uchidachi's blade?


Kendo-Guide.Com: Ron sensei, thank you! I appreciate your input since I don’t own the book!

I have not thought about this actually but I think we should do suriage with the monouchi area of the shigogi and also aiming at the opponent’s sword’s monouchi area. What do you think, Ron sensei?

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