Thank you for giving your perspective, in my opinion though kendo hardly resembles an actual sword fight since it has too many rules to uphold which brings it closer to a sport rather than a martial art. If moving boxes had rules it could be made into a sport(i think that strongman competitions have something similar to it).
Jul 05, 2021 Rating
thanks by: Giovanni
Thank you for your answer Mr Imafuji, in the end of the day i quitted kendo 3 years ago, i still love every moment i spend competing and training in it and it will always have a special place in my heart.
Jun 30, 2021 Rating
The Western view by: Kenshi non Athlete
To be an "Athlete" is necessary to have some physical characteristics that not all the people have, but kendo accepts all the people that wants it to practice, because kendo is not a 100 % sport, not even 50% sport. Kendo evolved from the sword, from the kenjutsu, and kenjutsu was for survive, and fight I. Battlefield. Everyone can take a sword and fight and defend himself. To claim "I m an Athlete" has nothing to do with kendo.
If every physical activity is considered a sport, so work hard in a facility moving heavy thing from one side to another is a sport too.
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