Comments for How can I tell the difference between a shinai that needs replacing or a shinai that needs sanding and oiling?

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Jul 11, 2014
Re: applying Oil
by: Anonymous

It's true that applying oil on the surface, outside of the shinai will not be absorbed (because the skin of the outside bamboo). However, when some filing is done to remove splinters, then the skin surface portion is erased and then oil is a good sealant and offers some protection. The inside of the bamboo will also absorb oil treatment. Learned this from an old Japanese sensei many years ago.

Kendo-Guide.Com: Thank you for sharing your experience. It is true that if you sand the surface of shinai we should apply oil but I also suggest not sanding the surface. So when you sand, you should take the shinai apart and sand splinters off without sanding the surface.

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