Hiki Techniques

by Tanno

I heard that Hiki-Do is very difficult to be an ippon, especially the left do side.

What can I do to improve it? I usually do it, because my opponents often block my men strikes. I do have the speed with both hand and foot, but not the good timing to attack them regarding the hiki-waza (men, kote, do).

Everyone also confused me by asking me how I shall act when I hit the respective Datotsu-bui...

In your critical opinion, how should I act the moment I hit them? I.e. When I hit hiki men, which is the most basic of them all, when I hit the opponent's men, I recall my stance to Migi no Jodan no Kamae (shidachi no jodan no kamae), while I get away from him.

Thanks in advance!

Answer: Thank you for your question. I quite did not understand what you mean by "Everyone also confused me by asking me how I shall act when I hit the respective Datotsu-bui.." but I guess you mean "everyone confuses you because they tell you different things about what t to do after you strike hiki waza". Correct?

Depending on sensei, they tell you different ways to take zanshin after you strike hiki men.

1. Like you described. Lift your hands above your head after you execute hiki men. And go backwards quickly.

2. Keep your hands like you do when you strike a normal men.

The most seen hiki men is the one described in No.1. It helps you with going backwards more quickly.

In order to make hiki (the right one) you need…

1. Strike nice, sharp and hard with the right angle of the sword and monouchi (between kensaki and naka-jime). This is the same as when you execute a normal the right cut.

2. Make sure to go backwards fairly quickly so that your opponent will not be able to chase you and strike you before it becomes valid.

3. Do not turn your back to your opponent. You may see such hiki in shiai but it is not proper.

If you get these elements right, there is no reason that it should not be valid.

The left strike is rather hard because of the reason below.

Since samurai used to carry two swords, there was always kodachi (shōtō) and the scabbard (saya) left on their left hip. That would make extremely hard to cut through because you would have to cut through shōtō to cut your opponent body.

So it is always harder for us to get a valid cut on the left .

However, if you strike it really hard when it is open, it should be valid.

Hope this helps.

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Jun 23, 2011
Hiki Techniques + stances
by: Tanno

Doumou arigatou gozaimashita, Imafuji sensei.

Now I see why it's so hard to hit the left dou. I'll try to train much more with the hiki-waza.

As for the question, which you didn't understand, yes, that's correct. That's what I meant.

They always tell me different stances, i.e. the kote. My sensei tells me to hit and immediately go to hidari no waza no kamae, while I get away from him backwards. others tell me when I hit kote, I must recall to the chuudan no kamae, while I get away from him.
Same goes with the dou. Others tell me when I hit do, I must have my shinai to look slightly left and keep it as it is, while I go backwards. My sensei tells us when I hit it, I must recall to gedan no kamae, while I go backwards.

What's your opinion on this? Your opinion would straighten my mind over those confusing and different opinions of theirs.

Thank you very much in advance. :D

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