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Jun 08, 2017
Warn Your Dojo Mates First :)
by: Kendo-Guide.Com

That is a great taiatari and I don't remember anyone who has executed a taiatari like that through my 37 years of kendo experience.

As you can see, it is not a push with arms like you see more often. That is a full body taiatari. And his opponent wasn't ready for that kind of taiatari. He was off guard. That is another part of the reason why that guy flew away.

More importantly, the guy who did the taiatari looked very worried about his opponent. Now that is the best part of the video!

When you practice taiatari at the dojo, you need to warn your dojo mates. If they are not ready, they can easily get hurt. It will be a good practice for you and your dojo mates so they can receive or execute the good taiatari.

Good luck!

Jun 07, 2017
What a hit!!
by: Azrael

MAN! Now THAT'S a Taiatari I can RESPECT!!!!! WOW!!!!! I have GOT to start incorporating more deliberate taiatari in my moveset. Don't know how long I'd be welcome at my dojo if I hit like THIS though! :> Seriously though, I think more taiatari and tsubazeriai will give me much more control over the flow and direction of my matches and my opponents.

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