Euro Kendo
by Philippe Negri
Recommended by: Philippe Negri
Reason You Recommend:
Euro Kendo is a kendo shop for Kenshis and run by Kenshis.
I practice on regular basis with the Euro Kendo people at the Nenriki dojo in London, and trust they really know what they are talking about when it is Kendo related!!
They work their marketing for their shop on the dojo deck, by the men, he kote and the do...
And when they are not training, they are traveling the world in other dojos, impressive!
Company Information from The Company:Address of Headquarters:
Eurokendo Ltd.
1 Ferguson Close, London E14 3SH
Contact information:
Person: Mr. Young Park
Phone: 0207 193 7504
Contact email address: support/at/
* Please change /at/ to @ when you email.
Company Strength:
eurokendo offers the best quality kendo equipment at reasonable price. Our aim is always provide an extensive range of products for all levels from beginners to high-grade kenshis.
Our staffs are all experienced and enthusiastic kendogas who understand the need of budo practitioners. Years of experience in kendo have taught us how to choose the right equipment tailored to personal needs; that is why offers an advisory service to all our customers to help them choose the right options.
Brief Message to the Readers of Kendo-Guide.Com:
Feel free to contact me if you have further enquires and we are looking forward to hearing from you soon.