by Luis
Recommended by: Luis
Reasons you recommend: Great service, gear and respond fast to emails and phone calls. All authentic kendo gear from Japan. The stuff you get from them will last. Never had any problems from the company!!!
Company Information From The Company:Address of Headquarters:
1121 Edgewater Ave Unit 20
Ridgefield, NJ 07657
Not Yet
Contact information:
www.boguzen.comPerson: Daniel
Phone: 347-254-5454
Contact email address: kendo/at/
* Please change /at/ to @ when you email.
Company Strength:
We supplied kendo equipment to a lot of Dojos in Eastern Area ( New York, New Jersey ....) since 2004.
We do import a lot of products from Japan so many high level kenshi / sensei love our products ( specially hand-made bogu, kendogi & hakama,
We have couple company in Japan and We are officially US distributor of Sankei,Co Japan.
Our products are so qualified in Japan so customer love it.
We will do more launch for online business ths Year.
We also will let more people know about our company in this US Kendo Championship 2011, August.
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- Your Grade (kyu or dan):
- Product/s You Purchased:
- Rate the product/s:
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- Rate the service:
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- Do you recommend this shop to your friend?: yes or no
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