This is How Juan Fixed His Shinai by: Kendo-Guide.Com
1. I turned the tsuru 1/4 round the shinai, so checking the shape is easier looking from the top, for example un chudan no kamae. It's easy to check if the shinai is bent to one side or if it's straight, also with the help of the tsuru itself as a reference.
2. I bent it to the opposite side of the deformation a couple of hours at around nakayui height, and another couple of hours at the height where the shinai is the thickest.
3. I'm in barcelona, where we have a quite humid weather, I don't know how this would work in dry places.
4. In order to perform this fix, first you need to have children, so you can borrow their high chair which has the perfect curve. This could be a small problem for some fellow kenshis ;)
Feb 09, 2017 Rating
Photo by: Juan Pablo
Hi Sensei! Just sent an email with a photo and info to, not sure you use this email for receiving though!
Regards, Juan Pablo
Kendo-Guide.Com:: Yes! Hope you got my reply too! Now I am going to attach your email on how you fixed your shinai.
Feb 09, 2017 Rating
In Reply to Juan Pablo by: Kendo-Guide.Com
Thank you, Juan!
Please send me one or two images of your photo.
I will see if I can post them!
Feb 06, 2017 Rating
Barcelona by: Juan Pablo
Hi sensei! I'm not sure if the shinai is very good or my strikes are too weak ;) but it's lasting more than I expected. Now that it's straight again I'll use it until it quits for good.
I'd love to share the way I fixed it, in fact that was my intention in my previous reply, but I can't find a way to insert an image in this post. If there is a way, please let me know and I'll do it.
Jan 31, 2017 Rating
Fixed! by: Juan Pablo
Hi Sensei,
I just made an attempt to fix it and it worked, it's straight as new!
I just got it "deformed" to the opposite direction. I held it with a big clamp (not sure how to call this tool in english) for a couple of hours, a couple of times and now it's perfect and it keeps the shape.
The conclusion is...bamboo is so great!
I explored the shinai and there are no cracks, just sanded out some small splinters, so I'll keep using it some more. It's kind of special to me because it's my first shinai, and because I bought it in Kyoto, near the Butokuden...
Thanks again!
Kendo-Guide.Com: Great! Thanks! You bought it in Kyoto? Wow! That must be a good shinai!
if you have some time, please share how you fixed it here. Even though I know how, the readers of this don't. Thanks!
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